Before & all through World War II, in this are three - fourths of the population was illiterate.  Great strides be inflicted with been made since at that time, and as of 2000,  the Government claims with the intention of complete literacy has been achiever;  however,  Western estimates on education were estimated by 3% of GDP in 1995.

Preschool training pro children ages three through six is all- purpose but not obligatory.  The basic unavoidable teach curriculum,  extending pro eight years (ages 6 to 14), combines matter- of - fact bring about with study.  Inside 1997, here were 559,457 primary students, with a instruction personnel of in this area 30,100.  Secondary education lasts from three to five years,  depending on the type of teach attended.  These include wide-ranging and vocational schools as well as schools specializing in the arts, sports,  foreign languages, and pedagogy.  At the secondary level in 1996, here were 6,321 teachers and 89,895 students.  Student-to-teacher ratio as of 1999 stood by 18 to 1 pro primary education and 17 to pro secondary schools.

Other institutes of privileged learning include two agricultural schools,  lone institute  pro fine arts, lone institute of corporal culture, and three teacher-training institutes.  Inside 1997, all institutions of privileged education had 2,348 teachers and a combined enrollment of 34,257 students.  Inside 1957, the Institute of sciences was elevated to university rank, and Tirane State University became the initially and single society of university status in Albania.


Admission to non university higher education studies

Name of Secondary School Credential required: Deftese pjekurie

Minimum score/requirement: Minimum score of 15 out of 30

For entry to:  All Programmes.

Entrance Exams required:

Entrance Examination for all programmes.
Numerus clauses/restrictions:

At national level (State Matura).

At National Level (State Matura)

Admission to University-level Studies

Name of Secondary School Credential required:  Deftese Pjekurie

Minimum score requirement: Entrance Examination for all 

Numerus clausus/restrictions:  At national level (State Matura)
Foreign Students Admission.

Admission requirements:  Foreign students must hold a Diploma of Maturity.

Entry regulations:  Entrance requirements depend on the Foreign Relations Department of the Ministry of Education  and Science.

Health requirements: Foreign students can purchase security against accidents.  There is no health guarantee for foreign students.

Application procedures:
Apply to national body for entry to:  All Institutions 

Application closing dates:
For non-university level (technical/vocational type) studies:  Aug

For university level studies:
Recognition of studies & qualifications:

Studies pursued in home country (System of recognition/accreditation):  Diplomas and Certificates conferred by higher education institutions are accredited by the Albanian State if they are recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science (Higher Education Accreditation Agency and Council of Accreditation).

Studies pursued in foreign countries (bodies dealing with recognition of foreign credentials):

Higher Education and Recognition of Diplomas Department,  Ministry of Education and Science Rruga e Durresit, 23

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